Arokaya Thai Massage and Tok Sen Therapy

Welcome to Arokaya Thai Massage

Chorlton , Manchester


Arokaya Thai Massage

Thai massage works on the entire body using a sequence of movements that are similar to yogic stretching. Your therapist will use their palms and fingers to apply firm pressure to your body. If a greater degree of intensity is required she will also use elbows and knees. You will also be stretched and twisted into various positions to remove tensions in tendons, ligaments and cartilage around your joints.

tok sen massage

Tok Sen Therapy.

** Not available

Tok Sen massage is an ancient northern Thai practice that involves the use of a special wooden hammer , made from the bark of the tamarind tree, to relax muscles in a rhythmically tapping motion, ‘Tok Sen’.

Tok means to hammer or hit and sen refers to the pathways in the body . Tok Sen therapy helps with physical aches and pains , energy blockages , pure circulation , nerve problems and etc .